
On April 10, 2024


Do you have an important meeting in the middle of a class or just after your CompArch lab but don't have time to go home?

Look no further: CLIC offers to reserve a room just for you so that you can have your interview in the greatest calm and with a stable connection.

The rooms we can reserve for you are located in the BC building (BC129 and BC010). We will only reserve a room for an interview or an important meeting (not for studying or taking a nap 😴). The reservation is valid for one person only. Take care of the rooms, we trust you!

You just have to send an email to at least 2 days in advance specifying:

  • the date of the meeting
  • the time and duration
  • a justification of the reason for your meeting (e.g.: a screenshot of the mail confirming your interview)

Once we validate your reservation (⚠️ it depends of the room's availability), please come 15mn before your interviey starts in CLIC's office INN132 so we can unlock the room for you.

We hope this will help you!