Tuesday, March 11, 2025
10am to 6pm, BC
Registrations are open ! Register Here
CLIC and the IC Faculty are proud to present the 6th edition of IC Boost Day, a day dedicated to your future career in Computer and Communication Sciences! Take part in mock coding interviews and CV reviews, join various talks and meet plenty of EPFL IC alumni! They will be here to answer all the questions you may have as a future EPFL alumnus, both during specific “meetup sessions” or during our famous networking lunch! ICBD is a unique opportunity to prepare for your professional future in the world of computer science and engineering.
Alumni & guests
Alumni and guests present at the event
David Kozhaya
George Fotiadis
Mohamed Kafsi
Nexthink SA
Manon Michel
Tune Insight
David Dieulivol
Patricia Egger
Cheng-Chun Lee
Google Deepmind
Dat Nguyen
Mohammed Ben Salah
Devrim Celik
SRC Security
Benjamin D'Incau
Procter & Gamble
Franck Youssef
Alexandre Connat
Gonxhe Idrizi
Procter & Gamble
Jérôme Torche
Giants Software
Julien Herzen
Isomorphic Labs
Manuel Cubero-Castan
Solène Chiche
Arnaud Boissaye-Heaume
David Compain
Arnaud Delamare
Alfonso Peterssen
Ali Alami-Idrissi
Nicolas Wagner
Tom Demont
E-xpert Solutions
Myriam Schaffter
EPFL Alumni (guest)
Gabriel Laupré
Swiss army
Michael Vorburger
PhD students
During the poster session
Yitao Xu
Fan Chung
Pooria Poorsavri Tehrani
Matteo Vilucchio
Mohammadarman Soleimani
A short breakfast before the starting of the activities.
Do you wonder what does it take to found a startup, and how does it work? Do you want to know what kind of leverages do you have access to? Then come discuss with Maurice Gaillard, head of program at Blaze, the accelerator for fast-deploying startups at EPFL, at his stand in the BC hall !
Speed Networking
The Speed Networking sessions are a new way for both students and IC alumni from diverse backgrounds to meet and network: for each session (24min), you will have 6 minutes to present yourself to each of the 4 alumni one after the other, and they will present you their company and their profiles. This should let fast exchange of information and contact for both parties, and successful or interesting meetings can be later continued during the network lunch or the closing aperitif! Note that there is a limited number of spots for this activity so make sure to sign up for it as soon as possible.
⦿ Solène Chiche - Benjamin D'Incau - Arnaud Boissaye-Heaume - Alexandre Connat - Franck Youssef - David Compain - Nicolas Wagner - Tom Demont - Myriam Schaffter - Manon Michel
Mock coding Interview
You have spent years studying the ins and outs of computer science, and coding interviews may very well be one of the first times you will need to put into practice the skills you acquired. As such, we believe it would be beneficial for you to practice and get advice directly from the people who run them! This activity begins with a presentation of what you need to expect from a (traditional) interview, and then a few mock coding interviews with an alumnus from either Google or Oracle. Note that there is a limited number of spots for this activity so make sure to sign up for it as soon as possible.
⦿ Arnaud Delamare - Alfonso Peterssen - Ali Alami-Idrissi - Michael Vorburger
Talk: Software engineering
How do the theoretical principles of Software Engineering apply to massive software systems with millions of lines of code, developed over years by dozens of different teams? George Fotiadis from Google will give you a condensed overview of the organization on a big project.
⦿ George Fotiadis
Discussion: Women in IT
First discussion of the day: Women in IT. On this 45min session, you are encouraged to ask questions about challenges, opportunities, and how to support more diversity in the ever-growing field of computer science.
⦿ Gonxhe Idrizi - Patricia Egger
CV feedback
The CV is a key element in the recruitment process, hence the necessity to have an impeccable one. How would yours fare among dozens, if not hundreds, of CVs sent to the company you hope to work for ? Luckily, we offer you the opportunity to perfect your CV. There will be a booth in the BC hall throughout the day with alumni who will stay available to provide you with tailored feedback about your own CV.
Talk: Critical Systems and Verifiable Softwares
What is like to work on critical systems and what are the safety measures of the industry (aviation, nuclear...). How do you verify such systems to work correctly ? David Kozhaya here is principal scientist on a sensible software at ABB. He is here to give you an overview on the organization of a team on such softwares.
⦿ David Kozhaya
Discussion: Academia vs Industry
In this session, our hosts will compare the contrasting worlds of Academia vs. Industry. From research-driven environments to fast-paced business solutions. Students will have the chance to ask questions on career paths, work culture, and the evolving landscape of both sectors.
⦿ Julien Herzen - Gabriel Laupré
Poster sessions
Have you ever wondered what concrete projects the IC labs are working on ? Are you interested in pursuing a more research-oriented career after your Master or looking for an academic project, but you are unsure which lab to join ? Then take advantage of the Poster Session, co-organized with EPIC, and have a chat with the numerous PhDs who will be here to showcase their work! This activity will be held around lunchtime and you will be free to roam around.
Networking lunch
During the lunch break, professors, alumni and students will come together over a meal, providing the perfect setting for networking and conversation. You will have the chance to engage directly with alumni, tapping into their wealth of knowledge and experience. The lunch is going to be a delicious vegetarian buffet!
Talk: Video games
How are video games developed ? What is the role of a software engineer in the video game industry ? Join Jérôme Torche from Giants Software, the company behind Farming Simulator, as he shares his insights and experiences in the realm of video game development.
⦿ Jérôme Torche
Talk: GenAI in Startups & Industry: Reality & What’s Next
Discover generative artificial intelligence from A to Z in this presentation by Mohamed Kafsi. Explore what it is, how it stands apart from other types of AI, and uncover the complexities of data collection and algorithm training. Explore the many uses of generative AI and learn how professionals in different fields can use it as a powerful tool.
⦿ Mohamed Kafsi
Discussion: AI Ethics
This discussion on AI Ethics aims to explore the ethical dilemmas and societal impact of AI technologies. How can we balance innovation with responsibility? You will have the chance to engage in thought-provoking discussions on AI's role in our future.
⦿ Dat Nguyen - Cheng-Chun Lee
Talk: Natural Language Processing
What are the indirect uses of NLP ? Medecine, chemicals, engineering and research are influenced by this powerfull technology. [Alumni] will present you examples of such use of NLP and explain in his/her point of view the future of these technologies in his/her domain.
Discussion: Sustainability
Explore the topic of Sustainability in this session, where hosts will share insights on how industries are adopting sustainable practices and the role of technology in solving global challenges. You will be able to ask questions about green innovation, policy, and the future of sustainability in various sectors.
⦿ Manuel Cubero-Castan
Talk: Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
Join Manon Michel to discover why safeguarding personal information is crucial and how to manage data responsibly. Learn tips to ensure privacy, prevent breaches, and comply with regulations like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
⦿ Manon Michel
Discussion: Research and Development
In this discussion, our hosts will take you through the exciting world of Research and Development. From breakthroughs in science to technological innovations, this is your chance to learn more about how research shapes industries and society. You are encouraged to ask questions on the R&D process and its challenges.
⦿ Mohammed Ben Salah
Talk: Open Source
David Dieulivol incorporates open source tools into daily operations and is dedicated to expanding their utilization within GitLab. Join to hear firsthand about the practical applications of open source and the advantages it brings to established organizations. Discover the inherent value of open source in industry and gain insights into its positive impact on a well-established firm.
⦿ David Dieulivol
Discussion: Ethical Hacking
This discussion explores Ethical Hacking, and will explain how ethical hackers help secure systems and protect data. You will learn about the tools, techniques, and ethical responsibilities of hacking for good, while having the opportunity to ask about careers in cybersecurity and hacking practices.
⦿ Devrim Celik
Closing aperitif
The event will end with an aperitif, a second opportunity to interact with the alumni, professor and other students.