

Who are we?

Born in 2018, polygl0ts is EPFL's official CTF team. We're a passionate and growing team that's always looking for new members!

Take a look at our profile on CTFTime and our GitHub.

What do we do?

We capture flags. We take part in cybersecurity competitions and win most of the time. Jokes aside, we're pretty good at what we do. Since 2020 we've been taking part in the biggest events with flagbot (the ETHZ team) and other teams like 0rganizers. With them, we placed 10th at DEFCON, the world's biggest CTF (EPFL published an article).

At the moment, 0rganizers is one of the best teams in the world according to CTFTime


We also play for fun! Take a look at our writeups page to see the kind of challenges we solve.


Well, for a start, because it's fun to infiltrate unsecured systems. Secondly, because of solving challenges, learn new things and acquire cool skills.

Finally, taking part in CTFs is the quickest way to gain credibility as a hacker. You can then use this credibility to brag to your few friends who still use IRC.

Sounds cool, doesn't it?

If you'd like to join the team (no previous experience is required, we're all starting from scratch) or if you just want to keep up to date with our events and exploits: check out our website, join our Discord, follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our mailing list!

If you're a student, prefer Discord to the mailing list to contact us.



Julie Bettens

Julie Bettens

Communications manager

Philippe Dourassov

Philippe Dourassov


Eduarda Guimarães Assunção

Eduarda Guimarães Assunção


Léo Larigauderie

Léo Larigauderie
