
On May 26, 2024

Ordinary General Assembly

The General Assembly which will take place on May 29th will be in BC 01 from 7:15PM.

Quick reminders: Only active CLIC members are entitled to vote. You can apply to become a member by sending an e-mail to If you can't make it to the GA, you can give a proxy vote to someone who will be there (by sending an e-mail to

Here is the Agenda for the GA:

Election of the scrutineers
Acceptance of the agenda
Presentation of the activities of 2023-2024
End of the CEVE commission
Election of the new committee members
Miscellaneous and individual proposals

If you wish to add any points, you can reply to this email ( up to seven days before the date of the GA.

Of course, there will be pizzas, as usual 🍕

See you soon! 💙♥️

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