
On October 14, 2024

General Assembly of October

As the General Assembly is only 2 weeks away (Monday 28/10 at 5:30pm in BC01), please allow us to send you the agenda:

  1. Welcome

  2. Acceptance of the agenda

  3. Presentation of 2023-2024 activities and outlook for 2024-2025

    1. Activities and outlook for the poles
    2. Activities and outlook for the commissions
  4. Presentation and acceptance of the 2023-2024 accounts

  5. Discharge of the former Committee

  6. Presentation and acceptance of the budgets for 2024-2025

  7. Miscellaneous and individual proposals

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a few technical points in the Association's status:

  • Anyone is welcome to attend the General Assembly
  • In order to be entitled to vote, you must be a member of CLIC (= be an IC student and send an email to expressing in writing your wish to become a member).
  • Members wishing to add items to this agenda must submit them by 21/10.
  • No decision may be taken on an item not announced on the agenda voted at the start of the General Assembly.
  • Each member may transfer their voting rights to another member. This announcement must be made in writing before the start of the General Assembly and sent to Each member may obtain the proxy of a maximum of two other members.
  • The Assembly will be followed by a snack, we don't plan to let you to starve ❤️

If you'd like to join CLIC as a commission or team member, we invite you to get in touch with us too ( or on Telegram @clicepfl) and come along to the GA to find out more about what interests you at CLIC! We'll be happy to answer any other questions you may have, and hope to see many of you there! 🍕

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